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Loom's Year in Review 2022: Celebrating Better Communication

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Every click, comment and video tells the story of how teams communicate better together with LoomHere's a look at the total impact Loom made on working teams in 2022.  

We knew 2022 would tell an important story about communication at work. At the start of the year, we surveyed 3,000 office workers in the U.S. and UK, uncovering surprising data about teams feeling stuck with old communications tools, causing teams to feel disconnected and companies to waste hours and resources. 

In the ensuing months, despite some predictions to the contrary, the world didn’t revert back to the pre-pandemic status quo. Some companies returned to the office, but on the whole, hybrid work has settled into its permanent role as a reality for an increasing number of global workers. At the same time, new communication tools helped hasten the transformation of how we collaborate and connect at work. 

87% of surveyed office workers said they can identify ways that remote work and digital comms tools have improved their job. More than one-third said recorded meetings have been the best side effect of distributed work. 

This type of smarter, async communication deserves a celebration. And, together, we’ve got a lot to celebrate. From keeping teams connected across time zones, to cutting out the maybe-not-so-essential meetings that have a way of sticking on calendars, to staying focused on the work that’s important — Loom users thrived this year.

Let’s take a look back at the year and see the story behind the stats.

Less Meeting, More Doing: Loom users eliminated 117M meetings in 2022. 

Why does that matter? Sometimes live meetings are necessary and helpful, but an overload of meetings can be a productivity-killer. Loom helped teams balance their workdays between live time and focus time to work smarter and faster. 

Our research found that workers join an average of 12 one-on-one phone calls a day. Every week, office workers waste an average of one hour and 42 minutes scheduling and rescheduling calls in the workplace. All told, that scheduling time costs businesses in the U.S. $1.85 billion dollars a week. 

Meeting Reduction aggregate stat

The Loom Community’s Activity: Loom users recorded 62M videos in 2022 and received 122M views.

Why does that matter? Nearly half (46%) of office workers say they forward emails to disperse info with other employees at their org at least five times a week and 24% say they struggle with knowing which communication platform to utilize for different conversations.

Since Loom creates quick and easy recorded communication, it’s instant documentation of important institutional knowledge. This company know-how can be reused, shared, and self-served across teams. This saves hours of time repeating or searching for the same info.

Blog Stat 2 Updated
Total number of videos recorded, total number of views received

Time Loom Users Saved: Loom saved 858M minutes in 2022. 

Why does that matter? Time is money, and ineffective communication costs both. Even a simple misunderstood message can take time to recover from. Our research found that on average, it takes 18 minutes to find a resolution after a workplace misunderstanding or miscommunication happens over digital comms.

Wasted time like this is costing U.S. businesses at least $361M each week. It’s a nearly ubiquitous problem, with 97% of office workers saying they feel the need to add something in digital communication to clarify tone and preempt confusion. 

Time Saved Aggregate Stat

The past year changed the way we all work forever. Hybrid is real and it’s here to stay. In this new world of work, it’s clearer than ever that effective communication is the key determinant of success.

This year-end data highlights just how big of an impact Loom can have in unlocking effective communication. Specifically, our 18 million users found innovative ways to use the platform to get work done, connect with teams across the globe, and tell their own stories at work. Thank you for letting us play a role in that story; we can’t wait to see what we accomplish together in 2023!


Dec 13, 2022

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